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What we are doing

Millions of people suffer and die every year as a result of extreme poverty in Kenya. Nelson Mandela was correct when he said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” It is this core belief that drives our organization and efforts. We are committed to removing obstacles that face school-aged children in Kenya

One of the most formative challenges for Kenyan students is the lack of access to reliable and inexpensive lighting to complete their school work at home. Insufficient light can cause a student to get behind in their studies and, too often, become so discouraged that they do not complete their primary education at all. Lanterns For Light was founded on the realization that an affordable, solar charged reading lantern could solve this problem and change the entire course of a child’s future. Solar-power lanterns will ease the financial burden of the family buying the kerosene to use for lighting at night. It will also give the students additional time to read that will positively impact their academic performance and will make them more independent. Lack of proper lighting is directly linked to poverty, health issues, and literacy. In addition the use of kerosene has also been linked to accidents of fire where houses have been burned down and even death has resulted.

When combined with a desk that seats four children who live nearby, the light spreads exponentially. That is our goal.

To identify practical solutions to directly impact as many Kenyan students as possible and enable them to pursue a better life through education.
Another way our organization is removing barriers for young female students is by providing sanitary pads. Young women often miss school once a month due to the lack of feminine hygiene products, again making it difficult for them to keep up with their studies. When this happens for an extended period of time the young lady may miss nearly a quarter of the year of schooling. The gift of sanitary products removes yet another barrier between her and her education.

While there are many challenges facing Kenyan students today. From inexpensive light sources to a food pantry, we are committed to making a difference. Lanterns for Light projects are always focused on providing funds or practical gifts in the name of Jesus Christ to remove as many of the challenges preventing young men and women from completing their education as possible.


The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5 ESV

The Lanterns for Light Foundation, Inc. was founded, initially, to provide an affordable and safe light source to students seeking to better themselves through education. Over time, we have seen the direct and powerful impact these lights have had on the community of Sega, Kenya. Each child who received a light, also received the hope of a better life through the enlightenment that comes with education. Poverty is an epidemic in Kenya but the education of youth, is, as Nelson Mandela put it,our greatest weapon’s against its continued spread.


What began as one family’s quest to follow Christan’s call to care for others, has grown into a foundation dedicated to removing obstacles separating Kenya’s youth from completing their education.

Donations to the Lanterns For Light Foundation will be used to purchase solar powered lanterns for students between 8-12th grade in rural Kenyan communities. Donations will also provide sanitary pads for impoverished female youth who would otherwise be forced to miss school during their menstruation period.


Its our belief at Lanterns for light that all good comes from above. For this reason we also work with local churches to provide resources so they can do what they do best – preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying,I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but have the light of life.

John 8:12 ESV.


Thank you for the kind words

We at Kogere Secondary School were quite elated to have received new years gift of Bibles yesterday from Lanterns for light. Thank you for continued spiritual and material support.
Mr. Otura Deputy Principal for the school Mr George Marende.

Kogere secondary school


Hello,  I hereby write to acknowledge receipt of the 25 calculators you sent to us .  They were delivered to school yesterday and they will go along way in enhancing our result in sciences and maths.  We are grateful for your generosity  and pray that God continues to bless you abundantly.

Rose Luvembe

Masaba Secondary School

Rose luvembe


Dear Mark,

the management committee, staff of Masaba dispensary and the community at large would like to take this humble opportunity to thank you for your courtesy visit at Masaba dispensary, your interaction with the staff and mostly your invaluable insight, donations, contentious strategic organizational support, and your positive encouragement and prayers that has amplified our passion to provide quality, affordable health care services  to the sick and to serve Masaba community in our best capacity.

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to our friends in diaspora for their unconditional love for Masaba community, and for the continuous support they have accorded to us, both financially and in-kind.

This appreciation further goes to our well-wishers, goodwill ambassadors and our potential donors with whom we look forward to establishing a warm and cordial relationship in our endeavor to transform Masaba community.

Your invaluable input and continued support towards the development of Masaba community cannot be quantified but we will always pray for you and your families. We look forward to strengthening our ties with you. Thanks in advance. God bless you all.


Yours faithfully,

Management Committee

Masaba dispensary

MASAba dispensary management committee
